During the reign of Bahadur Shah Zafar, Urdu poetry flourished and reached its zenith. He himself was a prolific poet and an accomplished calligrapher. He had acquired his poetic taste from his grandfather and father who were also poets. He passed most of his time in the company of poets and writers and was the author of four diwans. Love and mysticism were his favorite subjects that found expression in his poetry. Most of his poetry is full of pain and sorrow owing to the distress and degradation he had to face at the hands of the British. He was a great patron of poetry and literary work and some of the most eminent and famous Urdu poets like Mirza Ghalib, Zauk, Momin and Daagh were of his time.
A plaque proclaiming the end of the Mughal DynastyIt was at the time of Bahadur Shah that the War of Independence in 1857 started. In Bahadur Shah Zafar the freedom fighters found the symbol of freedom and therefore nominated him as their Commander-in-Chief. In the initial stages, the freedom fighters were successful, but later on the strong and organized British forces defeated them. Bahadur Shah, who had been proclaimed as an emperor of whole of India, was overthrown. He was arrested from Humayun's tomb, in Delhi, where he was hiding with his three sons and a grandson. Captain Hodson killed his sons and grandson and their severed heads were brought before him. Bahadur Shah Zafar himself was tried for treachery. He was exiled to Rangoon (now Yangon), Burma (now Myanmar), in 1858 where he lived his last five years and died in 1862 at the age of 87.
Yaar tha gul_zar tha.................................
yaar thaa gul_zaar thaa baad-e-sabaa thii mai.n na thaa
laayaq-e-paa-bos-e-jaa.N kyaa hinaa thii mai.n na thaa
haath kyo.n baa.Ndhe mere chhallaa agar chorii huaa
ha.Ns ke bolaa vo sanam shaan-e-Khudaa thii mai.n na thaa
mai.n ne puuchhaa kyaa huaa vo aap kaa husn-o-shabaab
.Ns ke bolaa vo sanam shaan-e-Khudaa thii mai.n na thaa
mai.n sisakataa rah gayaa aur mar gaye farahaad-o-qais
kyaa unhii.n dono.n ke hisse me.n qazaa thii mai.n na thaa
Ja kahion un se nasiim-e-sahar mera chain gayaa meri niind ga_ii
ja kahiyo un se nasiim-e-sahar meraa chain gayaa merii niind ga_ii
tumhe.n merii na mujh ko tumhaarii Khabar meraa chain gayaa merii niind ga_ii
na haram me.n tumhaare yaar pataa na suraaG dair me.n hai milataa kahaa.N
jaa ke dekhuu.N mai.n jaa_uu.N kidhar meraa chain gayaa merii niind ga_ii ai
baadashaah-e-Khubaa.N-e-jahaa.N terii mohinii surat pe qurbaa.N kii
mai.n ne jo terii jabii.n pe nazar meraa chain gayaa merii niind ga_ii
huii bad-e-bahaarii chaman me.n ayaa.N gul buTii me.n baaqii rahii na fizaa
merii shaaKh-e-ummiid na laa_ii sa.Nvar meraa chain gayaa merii niind ga_ii
ai barq-e-tajalli bahar-e-Khudaa na jalaa mujhe hijr me.n shammaa saa
merii ziist hai misl-e-chiraaG-e-sahar meraa chain gayaa merii niind ga_ii
kahataa hai yahii ro ro ke "Zafar" merii aah-e-rasaa kaa huaa na asar
terii hijr me.n maut na aa_ii abhii meraa chain gayaa merii niind ga_ii
yahii kahanaa thaa shero ke aaj "Zafar" merii aah-e-rasaa me.n huaa na asar
tere hijr me.n maut na aaii magar meraa chain gayaa merii nii.nd gaii
Lagtaa nahii.n hai jii meraa uja.De dayaar me.N
lagataa nahii.n hai jii meraa uja.De dayaar me.n
kis kii banii hai aalam-e-naa-paayedaar me.n
bulabul ko baaGabaa.n se na saiyyaad se gilaa
qismat me.n qaid thii likhii fasal-e-bahaar me.n
umr-e-daraaz maa.ng ke laaye the chaar din
do aarazU me.n kaT gaye, do i.ntazaar me.n
kah do in hasarato.n se kahii.n aur jaa base.n
itanii jagah kahaa.n hai dil-e-daaGadaar me.n
hai kitana badanasiib zafar dafn ke liye
do gaz zamiin bhii na milii kU-e-yaar me.
Bahadur Shah Zafar
1 comment:
lagta nahi hai ab dil mera ujre diyar main
kis ki bani hai aalam-enaa paidar main
bulbul ko bghban se na sayad se gila
kismat main qaid likhi thi fasle bahar main
umere daraz maangk laye thay chaatr din
do aarzo main kut gaye do intizar main
kehdo in hasraton se kahin aur ja base
itni jagah kahan hai dil daghdaar main
kitna hai badnaseeb zafar dafan k liye
dogaz zameen bhi na milli koi yaar main
Najeeb Khan Afghan
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